Westbrook Therapy Services

People begin to heal the moment they feel heard

Reach out to connect for a free phone consultation, or to schedule a session.

  • Therapy for individuals, couples, and families

    Everyone encounters challenges in life that can feel stressful, discouraging, and at times, completely overwhelming. Those life experiences influence the way we connect with others and the world around us. Therapy at Westbrook offers a safe, supportive place to share and make sense of your unique story while working toward healing.

  • EMDR Therapy

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, or EMDR, is a treatment method aimed to resolve emotional difficulties caused by disturbing, difficult, or frightening life experiences. EMDR therapy can reduce the intensity of negative, disturbing thoughts and treat trauma symptoms in both adutls and children.

  • Play Therapy

    Just like adults, children can experience challenging life situations that affect their emotions and behaviors. Play therapy provides a chance for kids to process their experiences and emotions in a therapeutic environment that speaks their language: PLAY!